With the recent launch of MindUP sleep health care management system, we have created and witnessed a new era in sleep health management. The system integrates wearable devices, digital platforms and cloud-based backend to create a comprehensive and customized service chain covering screening, diagnosis, treatment and tracking to help users face and improve their sleep disorders.

In the second half of this year, the MindUP system took a major step forward by successfully joining the telemetry 5G diagnostic platform. This not only speeds up our data processing and service delivery, but also improves the accuracy and efficiency of treatment plans. It is a great encouragement to us that in just six months, TTI has already gained the trust and adoption of more than 30 medical centers. By using our system, these partners are not only able to significantly improve the quality of care, but are also able to provide better and more personalized treatment plans for their patients.

We warmly welcome all medical institutions interested in the sleep industry to become our partners. Through the MindUP system, which is a more convenient and friendly digital technology tool, we hope to work together with our partners to not only improve the sleep health of the people in Taiwan, but also contribute to the development of telemedicine in Taiwan.

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